Mall of Turkeya

Our agency’s digital strategy pivoted on organic growth, anchored by White Hat SEO, to ensure sustainable results.

Total Clicks

A robust figure of 20.6K, indicating an engaged audience actively seeking Turkish goods.

Total Impressions

With over 1 million impressions, our reach extended across continents, bringing Turkish products to the world stage.

Average CTR (Click-Through Rate)

At 1.9%, our precision in targeting interested customers surpassed industry benchmarks.

Average Position

A consistent average position of 10.5 in search results underscores the effectiveness of our content optimization.

The graph illustrates our journey towards digital marketing excellence. Each spike represents our continuous effort to optimize product pages and publish compelling content that resonates with our audience. The steady growth in clicks and impressions is a testament to our commitment to organic growth and a customer-centric approach.
Our dedication to White Hat SEO techniques and quality content development has increased visibility and established ‘Mall of Turkeya’ as a trusted source for Turkish goods worldwide. This case study is a powerful illustration of how strategic digital marketing can lead to remarkable results.

Content Optimization

We enriched product descriptions with culturally nuanced and SEO-friendly content, creating an irresistible
narrative for both search engines and customers.

Legitimate Backlink Building

Through authentic guest posting on reputable sites, we cultivated a network of quality backlinks, boosting domain authority and consumer trust.

Strategic Guest Posting

We placed engaging, informative articles on high-traffic platforms to draw in a relevant audience.

Technical SEO

We ensured that ‘Mall of Turkeya’ was built on a solid foundation, with a fast, mobile-friendly, and easily navigable website.

Let’s build something
extraordinary together.